Monday, February 13, 2017

                                                                 Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It is not a public holiday in any country. Numerous early christian martyrs were named Valentine. Anyone can celebrate valentine's. Everyone should at least give something to their parents on valentine's day. Many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their friends, parents or their valentine. Valentine's day is a time to celebrate romance and love. People all around the world celebrate Valentine's day but also many people around the world don't celebrate valentines. The Holiday’s roots are in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. The regular thing people get each other on valentine's is a teddy bear or flowers with a love card. You can get anyone something on valentine’s day, it doesn't have to be someone you know it can even be a homeless and you can really make their day by giving them something on valentine's. It doesn't just need to be on Valentine's but it can be any other day. Some people get rejected on Valentine's day and they get very upset which they start doing awful things. Good and bad things can happen on Valentines for example you can receive something but also many people also die on that day. In other places around the world the date of valentines is different, for example in brazil Valentine's day is on June 13. You don't need to buy your valentine things even a card for them is good because it's from you, which is the most important part.
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